Introducing Ardvreck’s Assistant Housemaster

Our boarding provision in Dalvreck House has been growing as we welcomed Matt Mitchell, our new Resident Assistant Housemaster, at the beginning of the Autumn Term.
All the way from South Africa, Matt has moved into Dalvreck House with his wife and their son, and we have thoroughly enjoyed hearing their South African twang permeating around the school!
Here are some fun facts about our new Resident Assistant Housemaster.
Favourite sport: Rugby
Favourite subject to teach: Mathematics and History
Favourite Boarding weekend activity: A difficult one as there are so many amazing activities that we do! I love the watersport activities, however my favourite time is probably Saturday evening film & tuck! It’s a nice relaxed end to the week.
Thoughts on your first term at Ardvreck:
Any transition in life is fraught with uncertainty and this was no different for my family and me. This was, however, short lived as we were so warmly welcomed by staff, parents and pupils alike. The first half of this academic year has got off to a flying start, never showing any sign of slowing down. My fabulous class and I have been on Barvicks, Adventure Fridays, excursions, benefitted from outdoor learning, enjoyed Dens and Dams, played a plethora of sporting fixtures, covered a lot of ground academically, and so much more. Dalvreck House has been equally busy and I have built great relationships with the boarders. This has been crucial in becoming an integral part of the school and being an effective teacher. So you may ask, what makes Ardvreck the perfect fit? Well for me it is absolutely the dedicated, supportive, kind and friendly colleagues I work alongside. It is also undoubtedly the wonderful, fun, curious, and mischievous children I have the privilege of engaging with everyday. This, alongside a well-balanced curriculum, make this a perfect fit for my family and me.
Nelson Mandela once said, “A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination. But when you add to that a literate tongue or pen, then you have something very special.” I hope to continue to experience success here at Ardvreck, inspiring the pupils I teach to become their best selves, both personally and academically, and so help to develop well-rounded individuals.