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5 - 7 years

Little Ardvreck

In Little Ardvreck, the small class sizes and the composite groupings allow for a more flexible approach to learning and teaching.



Little Ardvreck enjoys a lively atmosphere for children aged between 5 and 7. Set in the beautiful surroundings of Ardvreck’s grounds, our unique environment provides a wealth of natural learning opportunities.

Our central aim at Ardvreck is to help children develop their confidence and self-esteem by giving them the opportunity to find the thing or things they love to do; they then use that enthusiasm and passion as a springboard for building and working for their future.

Class sizes are small which means that the learning experience is very intimate and the children quickly develop a sense of self-discipline coupled with good manners. Little Ardvreck children are happy children who enjoy the family atmosphere that small classes can provide.


Steeped in Ardvreck’s ethos that classrooms don’t need walls, children in Little Ardvreck develop a sense of adventure and responsibility. Our varied outdoor timetable includes regular Forest School sessions, with campfires and nature exploration featuring regularly on our weekly timetable.

Little Ardvreck recently introduced the Go MTB scheme where every child has access to mountain bike training from beginner to skilled level. Outdoor learning mornings provide many adventures including: canoeing; low ropes; climbing and journeying, all allow the children to challenge themselves, work together and build resilience and determination.

At Ardvreck we nurture and nourish our children. They are provided with a healthy balanced diet, freshly prepared in our school’s kitchen. We source as much of our produce as locally as possible and regularly change our menu to include seasonal recipes.

Our After School Club runs every weekday until 6pm with as many of the activities as possible being undertaken outside. Afternoon snacks are the order of the day as the school day ends and a less formal and spontaneous approach allows the children to wind down after a busy day.


Little Ardvreck children are very much part of the school community. They are members of the school house system and work hard to earn points for their houses. They are in constant contact with the senior children and look forward to the regular visits of the older children when work is carried out together.

From day one, children have the opportunity to take part in sports including hockey, swimming and tennis. Sport is played daily throughout the week and full use is made of the indoor sports hall as well as the extensive outdoor play areas. If a child is musical they can begin instrumental tuition from the age of five or six; 90% of our pupils play at least one musical instrument.

Specialist teaching is an important focus in Little Ardvreck and each week the children are taught French, Art, Science, Music, swimming and gymnastics by some of our specialist teachers.

Building The Academic Foundations

The small class sizes and the composite groupings allow for a more flexible approach to learning and teaching. Every child’s learning style is taken into consideration. No one is left behind and no one is held back.

We seek to offer a broad, varied and balanced academic experience. We believe the foundations are vital and there is a strong focus on literacy and numeracy. All lessons are fun and challenging. Much of the curriculum is taught through a variety of topics and often led by the children’s interests and observations.