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Alumni Series: Florence Griffiths

Name: Florence Griffiths

Name: Florence Griffiths

School Dates: 1979 – 1985

Senior School: Morrison’s Academy and then Sixth Form at Strathallan

University and what you studied?

Cardiff University Law Degree then worked in Financial PR for 3 years before doing my PGCE (Primary Teaching) at Roehampton.

What are you up to?

Busy teaching at Ardvreck and persuading 3 teenage daughters to revise for their exams!

Was what you are doing now (either career or hobby)inspired by your time (or a teacher) at Ardvreck?

Yes! Some of my fondest educational memories are from Ardvreck. It was the sort of school that somehow managed to combine random adventures and activities along side traditional values and an excellent education. It still does the same. I am now teaching Form 2 at Ardvreck and it is wonderful to be able to work in an environment that embraces so many exciting opportunities whist giving the children a fantastic academic foundation.

What is your overriding memory of  your time at the school?

I couldn’t possibly just choose one! Having a school garden and trying to persuade Catty Fletcher that we needed to grow other things rather than just potatoes. Playing hares and hounds up the Knock with no adult supervision whatsoever. Sledging on Caesers. Chocolate flan and cornflake flan. Always being told off in Rest for talking. Playing for Barrie in the inter house U11 rugby because they didn’t have enough boys. I got tackled just before the line and had to pass to my brother who scored a try. I’m still bitter about that now!

What do you think sets an Ardvreckian apart from the crowd?

The “can do” approach. Ardvreckians learn not to be deflected from the path they want to follow just because you might meet some unwelcome twists and turns along the way.

Do you have an Ardvreck family (friends from Ardvreck) for life?

Moving schools before Form 6 meant that I didn’t finish my full time at Ardvreck. I am still in contact with lots of Ardvreckians, re-joined Ardvreckian friends when I went to Strathallan for Sixth Form and have met loads throughout the years.

What did you want to be when grew up?

I honestly don’t remember. I know that it definitely wasn’t a teacher though. Oh well!!

What inspires you?

Optimism and camaraderie inspire me. If people support one another and work together thinking things are going to be ok, then fingers crossed they will be!

Would you consider yourself happy?

Being happy is very important. As a teacher I firmly believe that children won’t learn unless they are happy and secure. I’m lucky enough to have a job where I can try to ensure that happens. That makes me happy!


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